Flood Insurance

It’s only January and we already have ample amounts of snow. Pair that with the moisture we had last Fall and we’re looking at a potentially flood-prone Spring ahead of us. If you’re at a property where flood insurance is not required, it does not necessarily mean “no...
Driving Dangers

Driving Dangers

Hitting the open road and heading out town for a little vacation can be exciting; however, if you lose your brakes, blow a tire or experience another unusual problem, you could be headed for trouble. So, let’s take a look at four situations you might face, along with...
Motorcycle Safety

Motorcycle Safety

Motorcyclists know that riding gives them a freedom that driving a car just can’t match. Riders also know that motorcycles don’t provide the same protections that cars do in the event of a crash. The best motorcycle riders take great care in all situations, whether...
The Value Of Washing Your Car

The Value Of Washing Your Car

Clean Your Way to a Longer-Lasting Car Motor vehicle corrosion is a billion-dollar problem in the United States, according to the Federal Highway Administration. And, no wonder. Road salt, tree sap, mud, pollution and even dead bugs and bird poop all contribute to a...
Nighttime Boating

Nighttime Boating

A warm evening makes it a fantastic time for a cruise on your boat. But, just like when you’re driving a car after sundown, it’s important to make some adjustments to keep yourself and others safe. Before You Get on the Boat: Know where you’re going. Everything looks...