Parking Lot Accidents

Parking Lot Accidents

Ahhh parking lots… We love the convenience but hate the frustrations, especially when people are driving too fast and backing out of spots without looking. That behavior just so happens to be the cause of many door dings and irritated drivers. Even worse, careless...
Replacing A Car Seat After A Crash

Replacing A Car Seat After A Crash

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that car seats be replaced following a moderate or severe crash in order to ensure a continued high level of crash protection for child passengers. Car seats do not automatically need to be replaced...
How To Deal With A Grease Fire In The Kitchen

How To Deal With A Grease Fire In The Kitchen

Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires and fire injuries. A simple grease fire can escalate quickly, spreading to surrounding cabinets and engulfing the kitchen or the entire house. Help protect your home, your loved ones and your belongings with these tips...
Condo Insurance

Condo Insurance

So, you’ve taken the plunge and opted for condo life. Now that the papers are signed, it seems like everything is taken care of for you- building maintenance, roof repairs, landscaping and insurance. It’s time to relax because everything is covered, right? Not Quite....


Whether you’re taking your Harley and heading across country or just out for a short cruise, we want you to be safe on the roads. No one’s too old to wear a helmet:  A motorcycle rider not wearing a helmet is forty percent more likely to sustain a fatal head...